0 votes

Dear All,

I am using Linux MX with a low end notebook, I can’t run paratext on it and I swap between computers rather often. How feasible is implementing container/docker, VM or cloud computing run paratext with different Linux distro and operation system especially remotely and allow continue integration and continue delivery?


Paratext by (128 points)

4 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Please try paratext lite natively, it is the best and easiest option in linux: https://snapcraft.io/paratextlite . You will need to get snapd installed and running first: https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd

Also please join us on the Linux user list we can help and discuss more: https://groups.google.com/g/linux-user

You could run paratextlite on a cloud instance in theory but I suggest you keep it simple and just run it locally even on multiple machines but of course doing send /receive to stay in sync.

by (138 points)

Dear anon247639,

Thank you for you info. I have installed as you suggested, but I got the follow error message, the display hanging while connect the internet for resources. Please advise. I had send a request to join Linux User group, once I was accepted, we can shift the discussion to that group.
The installation is surprising fast and easy and I can use the dark theme.
Thanks again.

Gtk-Message: 20:56:58.121: Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module”
[7567:0721/205659.898962:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(374)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

0 votes

Hi anon221954,

Could you confirm what version of Paratext Lite you are using? (by clicking on the Hamburger → About box)
If it is older than, then Get resources from DBL will hang.
Newer versions (, have been updated to fix this.

This was caused by Paratext Lite not being able to handle the “Boi” resource. (This was temporary hidden in DBL as a workaround, but looks like it is now back…)

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

Hi hindlemail,

I try to start paratext with snap again, with the following command and error:
$ sudo snap run paratextlite
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/run/user/0’: Permission denied
Missing Localizer implementation. English text will be used instead.
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /snap/paratextlite/75
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
No protocol specified
[3854:0726/140912.672217:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(1409)] Unable to open X display.
The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.
Application is shutting down…

I confirm that the pratextlite that I am running is the older version:
$ snap find “paratext”
Name Version Publisher Notes Summary
paratext [Phone Removed]hindlemail - Paratext 9.0
paratextlite hindlemail - Paratext Lite running on the desktop

Please advise. Thanks.


Hi anon221954,

$ sudo snap run paratextlite

Don’t use sudo to run paratext lite.

You can just type paratextlite or snap run paratextlite works too.

The error Unable to open X display. is likely because you were running as root (sudo).

Upgrades to the latest version should be automatic, but to update manually type:
snap refresh paratextlite

Hi hindlemail,

Thanks. It’s working now without sudo, in spite of falling laoding "canberra-gtk-module. And it didn’t update automatically and keep the old version

As I try to update manually with ‘snap refresh’ command, the message ‘There is no update’, should I do something like ‘apt update’ with snap before that.
Please advise.


0 votes

Opps - is the latest stable. I need to fix.
Try the refresh command again in 2-3 mins.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

Hi hindlemail,

Just tried. Same thing:
snap “paratextlite” has no updates available.


0 votes

what does
snap info paratextlite


(It’s possible that it’s already updated, as by default it checks for updates 4 times a day)

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)


Hi hindlemail,

It was updated as .52 apparently, but as I did refresh with the same message that I was updated.
Then I tried to run it again, it was running with ‘a module’ not loaded error, but it was working. It was indeed updated automatically.

I think it is working now. I have been away from translation projects for a while, and learning new trick and glad to see the p’text development in Linux.
In case you need someone help with devop testing, please let me know.


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