I am trying to create a link to a chapter span like this:
\xt 1:16–2:12|MRK 1:16–2:12\xt*
But this generates an “Invalid extra material” error.
Interestingly a chapter list is valid:
\xt 1:16–2:12|MRK 1:16; 2:12\xt*
It produces this USX:
<char style="xt" link-href="MRK 1:16; 2:12">1:16–2:12</char>
- Does anyone know if there is a syntax for the link-href text to the right of the
that will link to a chapter span?
Point of geeky interest
In the NIV 11 there is a link to a chapter span at the beginning of Psalms. It produces the following USX
<para style="mr">
<ref loc="PSA 1-41">Psalms 1–41</ref></para>
So I tried the following syntax thinking it might link to Mark chapters 1 and 2:
\xt 1:16–2:12|MRK 1-2\xt*
But no, it too generated.an “Invalid extra material” error☐☐