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I am trying to create a link to a chapter span like this:
\xt 1:16–2:12|MRK 1:16–2:12\xt*
But this generates an “Invalid extra material” error.

Interestingly a chapter list is valid:
\xt 1:16–2:12|MRK 1:16; 2:12\xt*
It produces this USX:

<char style="xt" link-href="MRK 1:16; 2:12">1:16–2:12</char>
  • Does anyone know if there is a syntax for the link-href text to the right of the | that will link to a chapter span?

Point of geeky interest
In the NIV 11 there is a link to a chapter span at the beginning of Psalms. It produces the following USX

<para style="mr">
    <ref loc="PSA 1-41">Psalms 1–41</ref></para>

So I tried the following syntax thinking it might link to Mark chapters 1 and 2:
\xt 1:16–2:12|MRK 1-2\xt*
But no, it too generated.an “Invalid extra material” error☐☐

Paratext by (1.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

I’m not sure what the problem could be off the top of my head. Probably best to send in a problem report (Help > Give feedback) so we can take a closer look.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Problem report sent,

0 votes

Is the “|MRK …” actually used anywhere outside of Paratext?

I tried to use it in a project for both the DBL and SAB and it wasn’t recognized in either.

by (594 points)

It looks like that should be valid. Does it say what it thinks is the invalid extra material?

Looking at the documentation, it doesn’t look like that should be valid (semi-colon doesn’t look like a valid thing to put inside the href).

It’s defined in USFM 3.0 as a valid thing to do. I would expect that DBL and SAB would allow USFM 3.0 stuff (DBL especially). Was your Paratext project marked as a USFM 3.0 project?

Yes it was a 3.0 project. I tried in both a regular book and a peripheral book.

And the project I was working on was USFM 3.0 also.

At YouVersion, the \r lines showed up like this:

“Mark chapter 2 verses 1 to 10|MRK 2:1-10”

The link passed straight through as text.

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