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It is possible to right-click on a verse and select “View history for verse(s)”. It’s also to see the history of the project as a whole. However, I would like to see just the changes for a particular book. Is it possible to do this?

I know I can use “Compare versions…” tool. However, the dropdown selection box of the revisions is difficult to use, as it includes all revisions, including ones that don’t relate to the current book. The “View history for verse(s)” tool filters out irrelevant revisions, and it would be useful if there was a way to do this for a book, as well.

Paratext by (443 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

The history usually opens at verse 1:0 so that from there we can move to the different changed verses:

In the history, if you click on the black arrow it will show you how many verses were edited in that line and on the left it will tell you which chapters were edited:

You need to use the blue buttons (marked in the image) to move through those changed verses:


by (887 points)
0 votes

It would also be useful if I could navigate easily to a milestone saved with “Mark point in history”. Navigating through all the changes in the dropdown select box is quite tedious.

by (443 points)
0 votes

Hi bit.
You can visit this previous publication. JamesPost and I showed there the filter options in the Project History tool. Including filtering by current book or specific book, changes by user, date range, among other things:
Recent changes and dates


by (887 points)

Thanks for that answer. I’ll try to use the “Project History” tool, instead of going to the “Compare Versions” tool directly.

The problem with the project history tool is that it is sometimes buggy. Clicking on the links to changes don’t always work (when I click it does nothing). Sometimes, when I click on a link, it opens the “View changes” window, but no changes are visible, usually because it opens the book in the wrong chapter.

I’m sorry to hear you have experienced some problems in Project History. The next time something like this happens, please would you consider submitting a bug report from Paratext via the Main menu > Help > Give feedback?
Without bug reports, we don’t know that problems like this exist. Bug reports from Paratext include logs for the developers about what happened in your project when you tried to do the thing you describe in the report.

0 votes

Hi. I reported the issue. The issue is that the “view changes” dialog opens to the first chapter (and only the first chapter), even if no changes are visible in the first chapter. Showing all changes in the whole book would be better. This was the developer’s response:

Yes, this is a known issue. When this opens in this way, click the “Go to next change” arrow (pointing right) and it should take you to the error. Hopefully this will get fixed, but for now that is the work around.

(When I post things on the forum, I usually do so because I’m hoping to help other people with the same issue, and I want the resolution to the issue to be easily available to those searching the forums. Bugs reported to the developers aren’t visible to the community.)

by (443 points)
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And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
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