0 votes

Dear all,
I have a question.
Can anyone use Paratext for study?
I am looking forward for reply
God bless you…

Paratext by (136 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Yes, anyone can register for Paratext and use it, even if they are not members of a Bible translation organization. They can go to registry.paratext.org, create a registration, then download the program and use it.

For more information: https://paratext.org/get-started-with-paratext-for-free/

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

My wife is not translator. She wanted to use for study. She registered for Paratext. But she can not get Enhanced resources and source language text of the Bible.
Why can not she get enhanced resources and source language text of the Bible?

Does this now work with OHEB and OGRK for non-translators?

Are any of the Enhanced Resources freely licensed for non-translators? What exactly does someone get if they are not a registered translator, is that listed somewhere?

OHEB and OGRK are available to non-translators.

Enhanced Resources are not.

There is no list that I am aware of. I did a quick look at resources that were available to download with a user that has no organization and there were over 1000 resources available. :clap::+1::raised_hands:

There have been a number of requests over the years for a list of resources available within Paratext.

That could potentially be a feature-request, which could turn into an interactive table on the Paratext website.

The main issue is that not every organization has the same access to resources. I suppose that could be addressed in the table. And such a list could be an overwhelming amount of info.

All of the open-access resources should be the same though.


+1 vote

And to add the the answer that sewhite gave - a translation team can add anyone to a project if they so choose. So for instance, if you want to add a local pastor (who is not a member of the the translation team/organization) to the project, just:

  • Have them register for Paratext (organization can be “None”)
  • Download and install Paratext
  • Share the project with them
by (8.4k points)
+2 votes

Many resources available in Paratext are only licensed for people that are a part of an approved organization. If she is not part of an organization, then the list of resources she can access is limited. See this help page for more information.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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