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I’m finishing a consultant check for a book where the consultant check started several years ago so I want to be able to look at the verse history from a particular point as I go. Unfortunately, the verse history page does not change chapters when I select a new chapter. I believe it used to do that. But I can’t get it to do that now. So for every chapter, I have to select view verse history and set it up to that date again. Is there a better way?

Paratext by (169 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Just to clarify, it is by-design for the Verse History window to not update when the reference changes. In previous versions of Paratext, it did “update”, but it actually produced incorrect results since it still showed the differences comparing the revisions of the original verse instead of the new reference. We disabled the changing of the reference to keep from showing this incorrect information and also for performance since it can take a long time to calculate which revisions changed a particular verse (and it would have to update with each verse change otherwise - i.e. every reference change would take as long as it takes to open the Verse History view once).

As @Stephen+Katt says, the Compare Versions tool is the correct tool to use to do what you want since you can specify a particular point in time to compare every current verse to.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

@anon291708, thanks for the clarification.

+1 vote

I tried this out to see what you’re experiencing.
In Paratext 9.1, I can load up the Verse History window. It is set to scroll group A, but it doesn’t change chapters with other group A windows. The Verse History panel/window has its own controls for chapter/verse, so I expected that I could still jump between chapters with that, but those controls appear to do nothing.

However, if I instead open the History window via Project Menu> Compare Versions, I seem to get the same Verse History window, but the chapter/verse controls do work, and the scroll groups even function properly. So it seems that it is just the ‘View History for Verse(s)’ button which has this restriction of not being able to change chapters.

I hope that helps.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

Thanks the Compare Versions tool works and changes chapters when I change chapters.

by (169 points)

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