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It seems related to projects that have a FLEx project connected.

PT9.x shows the correct/current language.
PT8 says it cannot find the language file and loads Eng.
If I try to open language properties I get attached error.

This is blocking us because the system the DBL Admin uses for uploading is PT8, so they are unable to upload do to incorrect language setting.

I am unable to open the Project Properties in PT8, it displays the FLEx error and never opens the properties. I have flex installed but do not have access to FLEx project.
DEWAS flex err

Paratext by (1.2k points)

4 Answers

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by [Moderator]
(342 points)
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I just Submitted a Problem Report in PT8. PTXS-29637

by (1.2k points)

I think the issue is when FLEx 9.0 is installed, Paratext 8 cannot communicate with it. John Wickberg posted this comment about the issue in November '20 including a workaround so Paratext 8 can run without knowing that FLEx 9.0 is installed.

0 votes

From the error information in the log file, I’m guessing Paratext 8 does not know that the dwz language code exists. According to my research, dwz was accepted in mid 2018 and Paratext 8 was created before then.

Thus, Paratext 8 will never work with that language code, sorry.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

I understood the DBL admin was using PT8, now they have clarified they ARE using PT9, but were seeing the language issues in PT8 and thought that was the reason PT9 DBL upload was complaining.

I noticed that even in PT9, Thulung flashes ENG and then displays TDH, in Project Properties.
So I opened the Manage Registrations in PT9, resaved the language settings in the Registry and did S/R. It no longer flashes ENG. Hopefully it will upload now.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

by (1.2k points)
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