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We are using Paratext in a translation team with Paratext live connecting 4 computers.
There are a few places where two team members have worked on the same verse outside of our time together, and so these have the little red conflict triangle to highlight that there are conflicts. However, when we are connected via Paratext live, if I resolve the conflict on my computer it doesn’t resolve on the other computers.
It looks like everyone needs to click the resolve button at the bottom of the conflict popup.
Is that how it should work? I would have thought that if I resolved it then they wouldn’t have to?
Thanks for any input.

Paratext by (114 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Hello anon110449. As anon291708 says, the conflict notes are a separate file from the .SFMs that are synchronized in a Paratext Live session.
If there are changes to notes, biblical terms, etc. you can do 2 things:

  1. Before starting a next Paratext Live session, make sure you do a s/r and then the rest of the team. That way everyone will start with the same complete copy.
  2. Do what anon291708 mentions. Once you have started the Paratext Live session you should click on the “Enchange all files” option.


by (878 points)
0 votes

Only one person needs to resolve the notes. However, only the scripture text is synchronized during a PTLive session. For any other change to the project you need to exchange all files to get everyone else to see the changes.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Hi, we are using live constantly, at times connecting up to 7 computers, through chorus hub. To get rid of notes, the person with editing rights, after resolving a note, has to do a send and receive. This is the only way notes disappear from all the other computers,
It is very cumbersome but it works, Hopefully this will get better in subsequent versions.

by (111 points)

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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