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  1. From the Project menu, select Show Conflicts....
  2. In the Show Conflicts dialog, select the project that has the conflict and click OK.
    The Notes list window shows who made the changes that Paratext accepted.
  3. In the Notes list window, click Verse History.
  4. From one drop-down list in the View Verse History window, select Baseline.
    By default, the Baseline is displayed in the right pane.
  5. In the other drop-down list, select a version around the date and time of the merge conflict note.
    (If you hover over the date of an earlier version, the time when the earlier version was created is displayed in 24-hour notation with a Greenwich Mean Time offset).
    Repeat this step until you find the version where the rejected changes in the merge conflict note are in the text.
    In the drop-down list, the name to the right of the version shows who made the changes that were rejected.

:checkicon: The goal in finding out who made the changes that resulted in a merge conflict is to understand:

  • Why a merge conflict occurred.
  • Whether more merge conflicts are likely to occur.
  • Whether it is better to prevent merge conflicts (by changing permissions) or just fix merge conflicts when they occur.

:informationicon: See also:

Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


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