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I tried to add a term to my Project Biblical Terms List using right click on a lemma in the Source Language Text > Add to Project Biblical Terms for > XXX. This gave me a flashing red exclamation mark indicating that it cannot be added as it is already in the list. Indeed, switching lists to “All Biblical Terms” reveals a gold star beside the term. However, it does not show up when I have Project Biblical Terms list selected with “All terms” and “Current verse” filters selected. Is there anything else I could be missing…? Terms are showing up fine for other verses.

Paratext by (609 points)

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That would seem to indicate that the particular verse is not listed in the references for the term. If you choose the term and then use Edit Term from the menu you should see the list of verses.

When terms are added the references are based on the list being used to add the verse - not on your text.

Also, make sure that you have no chapter/verse errors at that verse.

by (8.0k points)

\id lines that are incorrect are also good at hiding text from the Biblical Terms tool. All the \id lines should have this format:

\id GEN – Project Name

GEN – The three letter book code which Paratext uses in its Go To Book box

Project Name – The full name of the project as it appears in the Project Properties General Tab.

Nothing else should be there. The book code is the most crucial but I have seen issues before with the project name as well.

That was it, anon848905–thanks. I had to change the filter to “All Books” with my Project Biblical Terms list selected to be able to make the change; the references (JHN 6:61, 16:1) are included with σκανδαλίζω in the All Biblical Terms list, but not the Major Biblical Terms list (which I used to build our Project Biblical Terms list). Seems to be a bit of an oversight…?

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