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Does anyone happen to have an older/different version of French TOB in Paratext, one which has Glossary callers (\w … \w*) marked in the biblical text? I would need it, since we have a glossary modelled on TOB in our language and now I would need to know where in the Bible text we would need to insert the callers.
For example, word “Christ” in MAT 1:16 should have an asterisk or \w … \w*, similarly “grands prêtres” in MAT 2:4 etc.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Paratext by (174 points)

1 Answer

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I don’t have an older version of TOB. But the better way to do this, would be to have Paratext do the marking of glossary words automatically, using the Glossary feature in the Biblical Terms list. Once you have your glossary linked to your biblical terms list, you can then go to Link Selected Renderings in glossary…

Each biblical term has two tabs, once you open the term for editing. One is for the Term Rendering (how the term is being translated into your language), and the second is for the Glossary - see picture below:

If you would like further help, contact me via my email address - [Email Removed] or my Skype name, anon758749.

by (536 points)
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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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