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I have a user trying to set up Wasta on a newly purchased Mac Air. (I have never set up Wasta.)

He said he has two partitions, and the second Wasta partition is 35 GB.

Paratext opens but when he tries to to S/R he gets a low disk space warning.

Error message:
Disk List:

Paratext by (1.2k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

It sounds like the VM virtual disk space needs to be increased. Which VM software is he using?

Also, how large is the other partition and how much space does the hard drive have in total? Is he using the other partition for anything?


by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

He told me the partition was originally 20GB, so he increased it to 35GB, but still gets the error.
Which doesn’t make sense to me. I have a hard time imagining the wasta linux OS needing more than 35GB.

He is remote from my location. He said he is using VMware, and disk size is 250GB total. I’ll ask about other items on VM partition.

I wonder if the /home directory is on a small partition.

The user’s Paratext folder is normally under their home folder.

You can use: df -h /home
to determine which drive the /home folder is on and how much space it has.


Hi John+Wickberg, I was wondering if he might be in an unexpected volume as well, but didn’t know how to check.
I have asked him to run that command. Thanks!

Yes, it showed Wasta is using the small removeable 2.4GB volume instead of the 35GB.

Is the 2.4GB drive in the previous photo the USB drive? If yes, how does he move it to the volume on the internal SSD?


I did some searching and found that there is a usermod command that should allow you to move the home directory for a user from one drive to another (https://linux.die.net/man/8/usermod)

I think you need to do the following:

  1. Find out where the large partition is mounted by using the “df -h” command
  2. Create a home folder on that drive using “mkdir /newdrive/home”
  3. Use “usermod -d /newdrive/home -m username” to move the home directory - I think you’ll need to be logged in as root to do this, maybe sudo is sufficient, but you’ll want to logout after moving the home directory of the user you are logged in as.

If you don’t find the drive in step 1, it probably isn’t mounted and that will take other steps to fix.


0 votes

Hi John+Wickberg,
That will move his Home Dir for the Paratext install, but won’t Wasta still be installed on the other small drive? Wouldn’t it be better to install Wasta on the intended drive?

by (1.2k points)

Yes, if the user is willing to re-install Wasta, that would probably be the best option to fix the way the drive is partitioned.

Maybe the Wasta Linux forum can help with the best way to go forward: https://groups.google.com/g/wasta-linux-users


+1 vote

Remotely connected to user laptop, and learned they were booting off install Wasta ISO which supports live boot, but they were not actually installing Wasta, so the small drive was the mounted ISO. I was able to help them perform the install remotely.


by (1.2k points)

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