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When I attempt to open the Send/Receive window, the contents of the window are blank for about 2 minutes, and the title bar says “Not Responding”. Eventually the various buttons are drawn, and 30 seconds later, the names of the projects appear. (48 of them, none inactive. I’ve just made 35 of them inactive, but this did not help.)

Any suggestions on what would cause this?

I am using version The problem started suddenly, I think with version 9.1, though it may also have been around the time I deleted a resource (NNRV) because I was being added to the live NNRV project which hadn’t been showing up in my send/receive options.

Paratext by (286 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

It would be best to send a problem report from Paratext immediately after trying to do the send/receive.

My guess would be that a call to a server is taking a long time, but without the log from a problem report it’s hard to know which call to which server (could be S/R or registry).

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)


Thanks, John+Wickberg. I’ve submitted a problem report. (PTXS-28782) :slight_smile:

0 votes

@John+Wickberg Was there ever anything discovered about why this was happening? I have another user today who writes:

When I try to do Send and Receive on PTX, it freezes at least for 4-5 minutes before the Send and Receive project window comes up. This is the latest version of PTX… Any ideas why this might be happening given that I only have 24 projects. Is there a setting somewhere in the program that may help that process to happen faster? Is that a 9.2 issue?

Meanwhile, I do have an older version of Paratext (9.1) on another laptop, and the S/R runs fast with no freezing.

by (2.4k points)
The problem he was having was related to a call to check the USB drive - must have been a problem with the drive or the USB driver.

For hangs, the best option is to use the ParatextForceShutdown command in the Paratext program folder to get a stack trace for where Paratext is getting stuck.


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