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Is there a way to type comments into Bible Modules? Similar to starting a line with % in TeX or \* … *\ in C.

The purpose would be to create an outline in an LWC to make navigating the module easier, but only have passages and text in the vernacular actually show up in the Output view.

Paratext by (1.7k points)

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Just like in other books, you can use \rem to add a remark that will not be printed. It does show up in the preview mode of the module, but if you run a print draft it does not appear.

I’m not aware of any way to have it show up in the outline, but not the output view

by (8.2k points)

Should I report this as a bug, or was it an intentional choice? In my opinion the \rem tags shouldn’t show up in preview mode.

They were actually the first thing I tried, but I concluded they weren’t what I wanted because they were still showing up.

I’m not sure if this is a bug or feature. \rem isn’t hidden anywhere in the text (the same is true of markers like \toc# which show up in preview, but are hidden in printing the text. You could submit a feature request that markers such as \rem not show up in preview.

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