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In a newly created USFM 3 project, I’m trying to place anchors in the text and then link to them with named targets following the examples given in the USFM 3 documentation under “Linking Attributes.”

In the same book, I’ve inserted:

  1. \jmp |link-id="article-Ruth"\jmp* as an anchor/identifier/milestone to indicate a location but not mark text.

  2. then \jmp Ruth|#article-Ruth\jmp* as a link to this anchor. (After pasting \jmp Ruth|link-href="#article-Ruth"\jmp* from the documentation, Paratext 9.1 automatically changes it to \jmp Ruth|#article-Ruth\jmp*.)

I am getting invalid reference errors (with and without # in the link target).

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?


Paratext by (412 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

This looks like a bug in Paratext to me. Please use Help > Give feedback to send this issue to us so we can take a look.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Problem report submitted. Thank you!

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