0 votes

When I upgraded from Paratext 7 to 8 and again to 9, information about the reading status was lost. Even though they were read and resolved in the earlier version they afterwards appear as not read. I suppose there is no way of bulk marking “unread” notes as read, right? I often filter unread notes, and it is awkward to have hundreds of unread, resolved notes included. I do not know how to specify both unread and unresolved status.

Paratext by (869 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

As FoolRunnning said, there is no simple way to bulk mark read the notes. However, if you have the notes list open, with the list filtered to “unread” then simply clicking in a note will cause it to be read. You should be able to work through notes that have been resolved pretty quickly by looking at the resolved icon in the left corner and clicking the note.

Once you click the next note the first note should disappear from the list. As a hint, if you click the second note in the list (or other note further down) it will move to the top so that if you click again you will be clicking in a new note and they just keep disappearing.
Video on rapid marking of unread messages

by (8.5k points)

Thank you. That method is certainly faster than trying to open every note.
It works well as long as I do not click on the first note. It will take some time to move through my 1555 unread notes from previous years.


If you do it this way start from the bottom of the list since it scrolls faster from the bottom up (not sure why). I learned this the hard way after having to click on about 2400 notes for a project. Though in the project I was working with I had to open each note before I could move onto the next note. If you do not have to open each note it might not make a difference if you start form the top or bottom.

0 votes

Read status of notes don’t normally get reset when upgrading to a new version of Paratext. The status is remembered inside a file in your My Paratext Projects directory. Unless you are clearing that out, I don’t know why your note read statuses are getting reset.

There isn’t a way to “bulk read” notes, sorry.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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