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A consultant needed access to a new project. I wrote to the Project Administrator to add the consultants name to the project and to make her role Consultant. He did all of that correctly. The consultant was able to do “Send/Receive” and now the new project is in her list. She is able to download their project files.

But when I check the Project Parameters --> User Permissions, her name does NOT appear in the list of Users. I sent an image showing this to the project Administrator and he sent me an image back showing, indeed, on his side her name is in his list. This is correct, because before the consultant was not able to view the project when she did “Send/Receive”.

Now we have the project, but she is not identified as a consultant and therefore cannot access their project correctly. Is there some other verification process I am missing? The Internet connection is not good where the project is so is it possible, not all of the information was sent to the Paratext servers? I have had him do “Send/Receive” several times to fix this problem but nothing seems to work.

Paratext by (119 points)

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I asked the administrator of the account to remove and add the consultant again. She received the following email:

Paratext Registry [Email Removed] Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 2:10 AM
To: Ursula [Email Removed]

This is a summary of events in the Paratext Registry for your information. Events requiring action will appear in a separate email.

Notifications for date: 2020-09-10 (UTC)
sambieni nambiga andre removed Ursula from Bible En Biali
sambieni nambiga andre added Ursula as a member to Bible En Biali

Each time she does “Send/Receive”, the server says no changes have been made by anyone since the last time Paratext received changes.

Just to note, the consultant has been added correctly to a related project “BEN Bible en Nateni”. She was added as a consultant to that project about 2 months ago.

I have checked the Consultants Projects at registry.paratext.org. There she is listed as a Consultant for BEN and BEB.

I will ask the administrator to make changes to a text to see if “Send/Receive” will then work.

by (119 points)
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Can you tell us the name of the project?

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
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The project is BEB. The consultant name is Ursula . The language is Biali (beh).

by (119 points)
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I asked the administrator to make some changes to the project, but I was still getting the message that no changes had been made. So I concluded that there must be some problem on my setup. I deleted the project and did Send/Receive again to see if that would fix the problem of the Consultant not appearing in the list of users. It did not.

I looked for some way of making a change that would force a Send/Receive to actually take place. Since Paratext was not seeing me as an actual user in the project, there was no way to make any kind of change. While looking at the project I did find something that I could modify and after that, I was able to get it working and Send/Receive now works correctly. The Consultant is now able to access this project. The problem must have been related to some glitch on this computer since the Paratext servers did register all the changes the administrator was making.

by (119 points)

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