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User: Assoc-Dir SE

It is a known email, that is in use.

Paratext by (1.2k points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

Hi listentwice,

This email address is already registered in the registry. The user name associated with the email address is “AD Scripture Engagement Nepal”. My guess is that it won’t let you register this user because the email address is already in use, the error message could be improved.

No primary organization is specified in their registration. What should the primary organization be?


by (448 points)
0 votes

Both of them should be under SNE, then I can delete the incorrect one.

by (1.2k points)

Hi listentwice,

I deleted the account. You should be able to add the e-mail address now.

0 votes

thanks. done.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

I am still unable to assign the User a role in the SNE org. Is it because they have not verified their email yet? (which I just added)

There is no error displayed. After the change, the check shows up for a second and then disappears.

by (1.2k points)

Yes, in order to give someone an organizational role in the registry they must have a validated email address. This is because the registry sends emails to those with roles.

0 votes

A descriptive error message would be very helpful.

by (1.2k points)

Fair enough. I will add such an error message.

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Acts 12:5
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