We are having difficulties in notes English font display. However, you see in the attachment, that notes English fonts appearing as boxes.
Both administrator’s computers and one translator are having this problem.
It displays correctly on some computers and wrong on some computers, but the language settings are identical and they are all doing send/receive with the same project.
I installed font in my laptop as an administrator(install for all users).
If I take same note text to other project it’s showing English properly and if I paste text to the Notepad++ or word it’s showing English text, not as boxes.
Changed project language font in Paratext 9, this time notes text showing boxes and markings started showing boxes. Attached screenshot will give clear idea.
My Paratext version: window 10.0.18363 operating system.

Same notes if I open in Paratext 8, English font display is correct, but vernacular language font display issue. Words joined improperly.
Bible text font is different and notes font is different

Paratext 8 Biblical Terms