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The term Halleluya is not in the Biblical Terms List we are using. So I have tried to add it via:
“Add to Project Biblical Terms for:” which is in my case JOATNT. SO far so good. The question I have is: Where can I now find the added term to link it with the word in the translation ?

For instance, I would also like to add an entry in the Biblical Terms module for “Son of David”, and link that to the glossary. Can this be done ?

Paratext by (316 points)

2 Answers

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Here are a couple of quick videos that talk about adding terms to a Project Biblical list. The videos were made with PT8. The menus have changed, but the process is the same.

Adding Biblical Terms to the Project Biblical Terms List - https://www.loom.com/share/75abd221da2d4048a4ae5c3d4061ee0d

Adding a Biblical Term form the Source Language text - https://www.loom.com/share/312bbc33890d46e88b4993222509c651

by (8.0k points)

Thanks anon848905, I will have a look. BTW, I could not find the word “wilderness” ἐρήμῳ in the Biblical Terms module. Is this a known fact? Can the Biblical Term Modules be updated in any way ?
Thanks for your help,

I have seen that quite often as well.
And then I have added them to the terms, but the are still not there,

Sometime, I haven’t check, my feeling is that a term could be visible in one verse, but in others not.
In other words, not all of my already marked /starred terms appear in ALL the verses


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This term is found in the “All Biblical Terms” list under the lemma form ἔρημος

by (8.0k points)

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