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Someone wrote asking for the Roman Catholic lectionary file. I don’t see one in the list of specifications for modules in Paratext 8 or 9, but there was a set in Paratext 7.5 for the old “Extract Lectionary” custom check, but these files look like HTML format rather than USFM format. Does anyone have a Catholic lectionary module specification?

Paratext by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

2 Answers

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While we were working on the Bible Modules for 7.6, Mark Pedrotti (I think) created a Lectionary for use in testing the Bible Modules functionality. I’m not sure how good it is, whether it’s complete, etc., but I’ll attach it here.

Lectionary_for_Mass.zip (3.1 KB)

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

That seems pretty incomplete anon291708. Phil L had this more complete set. He
doesn’t know where they came from or how valid they are.Zip file contains 3 SFM files, RomanCatholicA, B and C.

RomanCatholic_ABC.zip (12.7 KB)

Thank you for posting these. Saves others a lot of work!:slight_smile:
Just a comment: these Roman Catholic Lectionary files say on lingtran.net that they are in English versification. The A file posted here also does indeed say so at the top. But the B and C files in the zip both say “Original” at the top. So they end up clashing with the English versification of the project (or perhaps of the A file?) and don’t run. So both B and C files need correcting in this respect after download and before loading. Whether they are in fact Original or English, would have to be checked against an actual copy of the lectionary, to see whether the right OT verses come up. I don’t have one and can’t tell. But one may guess that they are probably English versification, since they are in English language…

Hi all, if these are still needed, I need to do some digging, but should be able to update the table of Original and English versification versions on Lingtran. I had a script to do the conversion, and we’ve checked through them.

Hi Matthew_Lee,

Thanks, that would be helpful. I tried to just change the setting, because I suspected that it was perhaps just a glitch. But if you can verify it all, that would be so much better than just guessing and getting it wrong.


0 votes

Ah, I found those on my machine, too. I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for, but the ones on my machine include a base module that includes the other parts and some more modules (e.g. for Christmas, Easter, etc.).

According to the copyright, it came from the Revised Common Lectionary:

Revised Common Lectionary copyright © 1992 Consultation on Common Texts, admin. Augsburg Fortress.

RCL.zip (21.2 KB)

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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