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Our translation project is an adaptation from a related language. This source language uses the Russian Protestant versification, while ours has to use the English versification. Our method of working is to copy/paste everything from the source project to the target project and then use that as a starting point. This has worked fine for the New Testament where the versification differences are minor, but will be problematic in the Old Testament, particularly Psalms, where the differences are major. For example PSA 9:30 in the Russian versification is the same as PSA 10:9 in the English versification. Paratext knows this and highlights these two verses together.

I presume that I need to do a lot of manual work to correct all the chapter and verse numbers. Can I use Paratext or some other source to create an accurate and comprehensive list of differences between these two versifications. Does such a list already exist somewhere? Or is there some other way to approach this problem?

Paratext by (158 points)

1 Answer

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This website shows the difference between the the English and Russian versifications

by (158 points)
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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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