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In March and April this year there were topics about PT8 not updating properly. I commented on the topic «Paratext is not updating» on 10 April, adding my experience getting the update to work, without having to uninstall and reinstall PT8 as the original poster was advised to do.

I have not had problems with the automatic updates on restart of PT8 since April, except today, updating to I got the same error message that others have seen, that says I need to close the running session of PT when there is none running. I tried the former solution of running the update directly from the .msp file in the C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Paratext80\ParatextUpdate folder. As before, the update appeared to be reinstalling PT, but it soon came to the same error message, saying it could not install because PT was already running.

I am very suspicious that this happens to me any time there is a PT8 update and I have recently(?) run both PT7.5 and PT8 at the same time, even though I am absolutely certain both programes are closed before I try the update. Is no one else running PT7.5 to access resources that are not yet in PT8? If they were, and I am right about the problem, then more people would be having trouble doing updates.

This time the solution was to «Restart» my computer, and then it did work to update by running the .msp update file. I was surprised that when I clicked on «Finish» after the installation, it did not open PT for me. On previous update/installs the program opened at the end.

Mark Weathers

Paratext by (114 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

When Paratext runs an automatic update, it uses a small program that waits for Paratext to shutdown, runs the .msp file and then restarts Paratext.

Running the .msp file manually will not cause Paratext to restart.

We have not been able to reproduce the problem with the update waiting for Paratext to close and those user who have tried to run ParatextForceShutdown haven’t gotten any useful information. I’m not sure at this point how to find out the cause of the problem.


by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)

0 votes

I too am having the same issue. Couldn’t update to I am facing the same problem with Paratext 9 also.

by (162 points)
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