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In PT 8, I could insert consultant notes for a translation project and then chose to added it to selected projects. I tried to do this in PT 9, because I will be observing a consultant in training and want to do my preparation without him being aware of my questions, but I noticed that it was now marked with a blue cross where I had a consultant note. Is there a way to make this not marked? Or is there another methodology that consultants use for preparing so that their trainees are able to make their preparation without influence? Thanks!

Paratext by (169 points)

4 Answers

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There shouldn’t be any visible sign in the translation project that I have made a note in my consultant note. So anyone looking at the translation project would be unaware of which verses I have made comments on. Only by looking in my consultant notes project would anyone be able to see any of my notes until I chose to insert the note using the Multi button. Paratext8CN.pdf (239.8 KB)

While in Paratext 9, the verse in the translation project is now marked with a blue cross. Paratext9CN. I have circled the blue cross in the attached picture.

Not having it visible in the translation project comes in handy when working with consultant trainees, because I can do my preparation in Paratext without them seeing it. That way they aren’t influenced in their preparation by my notes or even to wonder why questions I might have asked on a particular verse because they can see that there is a note there, but not the content of the note since they don’t have permission to see my consultant notes project.

by (169 points)

The consultant note icon shows up if it has been turned on for a particular project. You can go to the project menu and look at View > Show Consultant notes… to see which notes have been made visible in that project.

These icons are only visible in your project - and are not shared with the project - so no one else would see those icons unless you intentionally share your consultant notes project and they set the view to be on for their project.

Please note that the icons can be turned on and off for any project (not just a specific project).

0 votes

The behavior for consultant notes was not changed from PT8 to PT9 (at least not on purpose). Can you explain exactly what you were expecting it to do based on how you were using them in PT8?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

If you go to View > Show consultant notes and turn it off for that project, does that give you what you want?

Consultant notes are visible from any project at any time (same as they were in 8.0).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Yes, thank you, that worked. Now there is no mark. Thanks!

by (169 points)
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