There shouldn’t be any visible sign in the translation project that I have made a note in my consultant note. So anyone looking at the translation project would be unaware of which verses I have made comments on. Only by looking in my consultant notes project would anyone be able to see any of my notes until I chose to insert the note using the Multi button. Paratext8CN.pdf (239.8 KB)
While in Paratext 9, the verse in the translation project is now marked with a blue cross.
. I have circled the blue cross in the attached picture.
Not having it visible in the translation project comes in handy when working with consultant trainees, because I can do my preparation in Paratext without them seeing it. That way they aren’t influenced in their preparation by my notes or even to wonder why questions I might have asked on a particular verse because they can see that there is a note there, but not the content of the note since they don’t have permission to see my consultant notes project.