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Dear all

I wanted to convert a Consultant Notes created using Standard Translation Project (Not Registered) image
to a Consultant Notes Project.

Is there any tool/Way to convert it. I understood that copy and paste doesn’t work and also there is not books created in the project folder other than the Notes_------.xml file.

I have the whole NT to be converted into Consultant Notes Project

Please help if you know the solution


Paratext by (327 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

I have tried to copy all the notes that I made in a standard project to a consultant notes Project by copying the Notes_xxxx.xml to the Consultant Notes Project folder. I get all the notes there except that the text from the Standard Project also comes along with that. This was done for the whole NT for my personal back up and use.
It looks like this:

I am not sure whether this is what is expected or not.
by (162 points)

Yes if you copy the notes from the project notes to a Consultant Notes project they should look the same (have the scriptures,etc) since all of that information is part of the note file.

0 votes

If you are saying that you have Notes written in a Standard Project and you want to move those to a Consultant Notes project then you can do this:

  1. Create the Consultant Notes project
  2. Go to the folder of the Standard project and copy the Notes… files that you want (you may not want everyone’s notes)
  3. Go to the folder of the Consultant Notes project and paste the Notes… files.

When you open the Consultant Notes project you should see the notes that were previously written in the Standard project.

by (8.4k points)

anon848905, AFAIK, the issue is that the notes in the standard projects are not Paratext notes, rather they are recorded directly in the verses of a separate PTX project created for recording such notes.

\c 1
\v 1 Notes for the verse 1
\v 2 Notes for the verse 2


binoy is trying to take this data and convert it into a proper Consultant note. So I think, there are no direct solutions (to my best knowledge) available. I’m thinking of experimenting by creating an consultant note xml file and replace it with the consultant note project’s xml file. But if there’s a better way to do this, I’d be more than happy to try it before attempting this ugly work around (but if I can get it to work, that would save a lot of time for the team)

That is what I was afraid he might be asking. Obviously that is more complicated. You might be able to do what you suggest and create an xml file. I’d suggest trying it with a little sample data to see if it is possible.

Thanks anon848905
Sorry for the late reply… as it was Saturday and Sunday, I held up with house hold responsibilities…

Yes my situation is same as what anon649716 explained…

I hope there is no one created a python script or CC table to convert the \v to the xml file of cn note filed


0 votes

Sorry for a late response. I end up recommending the team to manually copy and paste the notes to a ConNote project as the volume of the work was not much (just a few chapters).

Thanks for your advice, anon848905.

by (229 points)

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