+2 votes

A user reported on another list that a font they installed on Windows 10 was not working with PrintDraft. Windows 10 has recently changed to allow non-administrators to install fonts. However, such user installed fonts are placed in a different location that admin installed fonts, and might not be listed in the Windows registry.

I suspect the issue is with XeTeX, or xdvipdfmx (which is called by XeTeX) or one of the libraries XeTeX uses (such as FreeType or fontconfig). Thus I don’t think (at the current time) any change should be made to Paratext.

I mention the issue here for two reasons

  1. So users know of this issue and can install fonts as an administrator, thus working around the issue.
  2. Paratext developers might be able to also do a simple workaround, and list the full path to the needed font file in the generated .tex files used with PrintDraft. However, if the issue is (let’s say with fontconfig) not finding user installed fonts when called by XeTeX, Paratext could possibly have the same issue if Paratext called fontconfig.
Paratext by (185 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Further discussion on this issue is on a public issue at

by (185 points)

Thanks, this solved it:

Uninstall the font file, and then right-click on the font and select the Administrator option of “Install for all users”.

Remember to extract the font file from the .zip archive before right-clicking on it.

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Paratext Jul 25, 2022 asked by anon800412 (110 points)
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