+2 votes

John Nystrom and I ran an Advanced Paratext Workshop in March, aimed at Translators, Consultants, and Advisors.

Workshop Description: Paratext is loaded with helpful tools, but what do they do, how should we use them, or when should we use them? How does each one fit in the translation process? This workshop and the recorded videos answer those questions. Translators, Consultants, and Advisors will learn when, how, and why to use various new and advanced Paratext tools to continually improve their translations and to more effectively check translations for other teams.

The workshop was recorded, divided into topics, and is available here: Effectively Using Paratext - 2019 Advanced Paratext Workshop - Video Outline. Many of the topics have a “preview”: short videos that give an overview of the content for each topic. This can give people a better idea of whether they want to watch the full video(s).

This workshop closely follows the Effective Consulting using Paratext 8 Tools document. Each of the video sections is linked to a topic in Effective Consulting, and the videos and document were designed to enhance each other. Video links were also added to the Effective Consulting using Paratext 8 Tools document to enhance it.

An outline for the workshop is below:


Paratext Tool(s)

Video Preview

Easily exchange translation, back translation (BT), notes, Key Biblical Terms, spelling, interlinear, and status of progress information with a translation team, even if they are continents apart.

Send/Receive Preview (6 min)

Develop, maintain, and/or monitor a list of activities a team will do at each stage of the translation process.

Project Plan and Assignments and Progress Preview (8.5 min)

Communicate about translation text with notes, share these notes with your team, have discussions about translation issues, search for specific notes.

Project Notes Preview (8.5 min)

Create and exchange consultant notes with other consultants.

Consultant Notes Preview (4.5 min)

See how a team has translated Key Biblical Terms in the current verse or the entire translation project.

Biblical Terms Preview (9 min)

Help translators keep their Back Translation up-to-date.

Back Translation Status Preview (3.5 min)

Use an instantly-generated interlinear back translation to see beyond a prepared back translation to ask better questions about the translation itself.

Interlinearizer Preview (6 min)

Check whether parallel passages are handled correctly.

Parallel Passages Preview (4 min)

Quickly assess how ready a text is for typesetting.

Project Health Report (5.5 min)

See exactly what has changed in a translation or BT since the last time he has checked it, thereby making it easier to check a translation more than once.

Compare Texts and Project History Preview (6 min)

Easily compare structural aspects (for example: Section Headings, Book Titles, References, and Footnotes) of translation Projects or Resources side-by-side. Quickly see differences in structure between texts.

Checklists (17 min)

What to do when multiple people edit the same verse at the same time. How to avoid these types of scenarios.

Conflict Notes (21.5 min)

Please feel free to use these resources as you see fit, including downloading and distributing them. Download instructions are here: Workshop Recordings.

In His Service,

SIL+LSS+PNG and John Nystrom

Paratext by (411 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

SIL+LSS+PNG and John,
Thank you for sharing this. It looks very complete. Having videos is a great bonus.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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