0 votes

In Paratext 8 version 73 and 74 on my Windows 10 computer it takes about 2 minutes to close the Wordlist window. Have other users experienced this? I went back to version 69 to avoid the problem. In this version the window closes immediately.

Paratext by (869 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Can you use Help > Report a problem right after it occurs?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Yes, I did that already.


0 votes

Wordlist is very slow for South Indian languages. While closing Wordlist the system hung for about 5 minutes. Is any solution for this issue?

by (224 points)

Hi Prabhu_beelagi,

Could you please use the Give Feedback feature to report this so we can see all the information we need to look at this? I have heard this before from several people, it would be helpful to have the data to look at it.


0 votes

Please use Help > Report a problem (PT8) or Help > Give feedback (PT9) right after it occurs so we can look into why it’s taking so long.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Biblica - wordlist is very slow for South Indian languages (PTXS-19982)

by (224 points)
0 votes

@anon892024, He did send in feedback (the PTXS-19982 case he mentioned). I’m looking into it.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Great - thanks. And sorry for the mix-up.


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