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My minimized PT window "creeps" by itself to a larger frame size after closing and restarting. For example, it likes to lay itself over my taskbar. And it moves horizontally in a similar way. Is there something that can be done to make PT "behave" better? I get tired of continually dragging the frame boundaries back to my desired position.
Paratext by (123 points)

1 Answer

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It's hard to know without seeing your screen layout, or a before and after screenshot. Are you using Paratext 9.3? Windows programs often don't like staying put, especially if they're tiny, and especially if switching between a laptop screen and a monitor.

If you are using just a single pane, you could consider opening it as a floating window. That floating window might be more likely to stay where you want it.

As a last resort you could use a program that lets you define specific regions where you want a window to live. I have used Microsoft Power Toys (Fancy Zones) to create custom areas that let me quickly snap windows to that spot. I just hold shift and the zones that I have created appear and I can drag my window to that spot.
by (1.2k points)

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They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Acts 1:14
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