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We have been working on a project since last year. We made lot of changes since last year. Now, when I click on the history of the verse, the last date that appears is in June while I have worked quite a lot until November.
How do I get the data/text that was at the end of Nov 2018? How do I know what changes that are made after that and who has done that?

Paratext by (162 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

If you right-click a verse and choose View History for verse(s), you will get a Compare Texts window, but I believe it will only show you changes in that verse. So it will not allow you to choose any dates for which no changes were made in that verse.

If instead you go to Tools > Compare Texts, you get a window which will compare the entire chapter. Then, any date which had a change in that chapter will be available, and you can even have it highlight changes, or hide verses for which no changes were made.

So I think Tools>Compare Texts is what you’re looking for, assuming you have been doing send/receive regularly.

by (1.2k points)

Project/project history is the best place to start your search as it will detail what was done each day and by whom. You can filter by book or person as well. Then you can choose a particular date and location to use the compare text too which, as Stephen+Katt says,
is extremely useful.

Thank you for that quick mail. It is helpful.

In Christ Jesus,

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