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Is there a way to mark previously completed books as complete in the progress plan without clicking every checkbox?

I work in a cluster project (11 translations) and we would like to begin using the Progress Plan in Paratext for our translation projects. But many of our translations have already completed many books, and it would be impractical for us to go back and mark every single task as complete again. It might not even be possible, since spelling decisions have changed since then, and we do not intend to review those spelling changes until we start revisions for the whole NT.

Even for books that we completed just before we moved to PT8, it is now difficult to mark them as complete in the Project Plan, due to spelling decisions, biblical terms changes, etc.

Is there some appropriate way to handle this? I want the teams here to be able to use the tool, but the need to mark every single task as complete for all past work would make it a large burden on the administrators of these teams.

Should we simply not track progress on previously completed books? If we chose to do that, it would be less helpful, since we would not longer have a consistent picture of the progress of the translations in our cluster.

Paratext by (1.2k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

The “Stages Table” view allows you to see and approve all of the tasks in a particular stage (either by book or for the whole stage).

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

See the following article that was sent out to all Paratext 8 users who checked the box to receive news about Paratext.

It gives a bit more advice.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)


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