+1 vote

Is it possible to embed a closing USFM code within another?

For example, it would be helpful to embed \tl … \tl* within \sc … \sc* in the text below. As it is now, Paratext doesn’t like not having a closing \sc*

\q1 \sc ‘Iserelefu inalilufwa oone lufwa prelu inengoi lamemoi \tl yare\tl* \sc ameelu kuliamee-wo kuliamee-wo lememoi,

\q2 \sc tetoo \tl bulmakaule\tl*, \tl sifesifele\tl* \sc puketemoke, ifi tupualamolu amee, eetegeni amee ménane pe leoolamwamolufe? Eie, mwa.



Paratext by (411 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Yes this is possible. It is called “nesting”. The full details are found in the excellent Paratext Help menu. Just go to the Paratext Help menu and search on “nest”.


Shegnada SIL+LSS+PNG

Language Technology and Publishing Coordinator, SIL Nigeria

Text Processing Specialist – Complex Script, GPS, SIL Intl

Skype: Shegnada.SIL+LSS+PNG.

[Email Removed]

+1 972 974 8146

by (1.3k points)

Would anyone but me like to have Paratext automatically add the “+” when the user types a character format code within another? At present, Paratext will only add the “+” if we use the format dropdown box. It’s extra effort to add the “+” manually.

0 votes

Yes, it is called nesting.

by (840 points)
+1 vote

When you nest character styles you add a + after the \ so your example becomes:
\q1 \sc ‘Iserelefu inalilufwa oone lufwa prelu inengoi lamemoi \+tl yare\+tl* ameelu kuliamee-wo kuliamee-wo lememoi,\sc*

Note that the \sc should be closed with \sc*

by (8.5k points)
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