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Yes, I know, this topic actually doesn’t belong here and I hope you’ll forgive me for posting this. But since BibleWorks is one of the programs that many of us use in addition to Paratext, I didn’t know any better place to alert people to the big change that is coming.

BW has a note on their website saying, […]as of June 15, 2018 BibleWorks will cease operation as a provider of Bible software tools.

If you are a registered user and want to install or reinstall BibleWorks at a later date they say that you will need to download the final installation media image which will be available on their website in July.
Also, any additional modules you planned on buying sometime in the future must be bought before June 15.

Hope this info will be helpful to some of those who don’t regularly check in on the BW website.

Paratext by (252 points)

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So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.
Acts 12:5
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