+1 vote

Well, after following the suggesrtions in the Change Short Name thread, I successfully converted our project. But we now have three new markers at the beginning of each book (\toc3, \toc2, \toc1) - in that order. However, PT doesn’t seem to recognize these. They appear in red and PT reports an Unknown marker error when running the Markers check. I had a look at the USFM Website which shows the toc markers to be legit. Does anyone know why PT doesn’t recognize these? After all, it was PT that put them there during the conversion process. We did not have them before. Perhaps a bug?

Paratext by (252 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

A couple of things to consider:

  1. Normally there should be a \h marker before the first \toc# marker (after the \id). If that is missing then the \toc# markers will be underlined red to indicate that they don’t normally occur here.
  2. If you are using a custom.sty file or some stylesheet other than usfm.sty you might get an unknown marker error if the \toc# are not defined.
by (8.5k points)

That solved it. We had default.sty. After changing to usfm.sty things were fine.

0 votes

By the way, after you fill in the Bible book names in Scripture Reference settings, PT8 will automatically copy the abbreviation, short name and full name to these table of contents fields.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

I have the same issue. However, it seems to me that I am using usfm.sty. If I navigate to “Project Settings”, “Project Properties”, then “Advanced” tab, I see usfm.sty under the “Stylesheet:” field header. But I still get the error Unknown marker: \toc3 . It only seems to happen for book names starting with a number, eg: \toc3 1 John

by (443 points)

Does that book have an \h marker following the \id marker?

Yes it does. I’m starting to think this may be an issue with right-to-left languages. The project is in a right-to-left language, and it only happens when the book name starts with a number, eg: \toc3 1 John. I’m guessing that there is some right-to-left algorithm that is seeing the two numbers 3 and 1 after each other and mishandling them. I’ve submitted an error report from within Paratext.

try putting a nobreak space between “1” and “John”

no break space is unicode “00ad”

I think no-break space is Unicode U+00A0, not U+00AD. For the lurkers, in Paratext, a tilde ~ represents a no-break space.

Even with a no-break space, eg \toc3 1~John, I still get the error: “Unknown marker: \toc3”. Like I said, I’ve submitted an error report about this. Thanks for the idea!

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Acts 2:46-47
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