0 votes

I have a problem with installing HBKENG and because of this issue I can not open regularily paratext 8.

It says File.db\names can not be loaded from source because it uses the wrong password.

Can I get any solution for this problem?

Paratext by (117 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Good news! I just now followed the suggestion of Suan Ngaihte to delete the file HBKENG from the Paratext8 resources folder. I did that and downloaded again and it installed without any problem. Thank you Suan for this suggestion. God bless you!

by (179 points)

That is wonderful, it solved the problem. I could not download the handbooks resources? Is there any issues that withold?


0 votes

Same problem as in this post. Most likely it’s a corrupt download.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

My anti-virus prog deleted my Paratext 8. But fortunately I was able to recover everything without any problems. So I thought maybe now the HBKENG will be able to be downloaded after I re-installed it but I received the same message as always the same as our friend anon990199 Z.

by (179 points)

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