0 votes


I’m trying to change the short name of a Paratext 8 project using the
Convert Project utility.

During conversion, I get the error message, ‘The conversion of the
project failed. Unable to create junction point.’

Any guidance about how to resolve the issue?

Best wishes,


Paratext by (119 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The Convert Project code uses the “junction point” feature of Windows NTFS formatted drives to make the process more efficient.

You must have your “My Paratext 8 Projects” folder on a drive that is not NTFS. I think encrypted drives also don’t support junction points.

One person worked around this my moving the “My Paratext 8 Projects” folder to the C: drive. Paratext will let you select the new location when it does find the location it was using.


Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)

0 votes

I hesitate to point out that you asked this same question a while back. The answer is the same. :wink:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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