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Hi, I have a question on the grey/gray underline in Display Spelling.
From what I have seen in the helps, the grey underline should only show up on words that are unknown in the wordlist. However, I am looking at a project for a friend, and most of the words that are marked with a grey underline are already marked as correct in the wordlist, but there is a similar word, also correct.
In this language it would appear that there are a lot of very similar words,so a lot of the text is underlined in grey.
This project recently had some diacritics updated, so it is possible that the grey has something to do with that, though the wordlist shows that the word underlined in grey has been marked as correct, (comparing the word underlined in grey, with the wordlist showing where the word occurs).
Is this expected behavior of the grey underline, or am I seeing an anomaly here?

Paratext by (418 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

I verified that it is indeed caused by inconsistent normalization. The text appears to be decomposed (NFD) while the Wordlist has the text as composed (NFC). This is caused by the normalization of the project being specified as “None”. The best way to fix this is to have the administrator use Tools > Convert Project to create a new project with the normalization set correctly.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Gray underlines should not show for any words that are known to be spelled correctly. Could you give us the name of the project (or PM me if it’s sensitive) so we can look into the problem?

Since you mention diacritics changes, my best guess is that the problem is being caused by inconsistent normalization of the project text.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

I also am reporting the Display Spelling Errors bug. It was reported by the translation team and I have verified it on my own computer. “Give Feedback” is not working hence my resort to the list.
The project is “yes”. The words are marked as spelled correctly in the wordlist tool but have grey lines below them in the Scripture text.
There is no normalization error being reported.


0 votes

The project short name is CNT.

by (418 points)
0 votes

Thanks for checking into that for me. That makes me wonder something though, how complicated would it be to incorporate normalization into the project migration process? That may not be feasible, I don’t know what is involved in normalizing a project like that, but if feasible, it could simplify matters down the road.

by (418 points)

It’s not too complicated code-wise, but allowing or forcing normalization during migration would cause other issues because not everyone knows the implications of a choice between composed or decomposed and how it might affect their data. Thus, at least currently, we don’t offer that option during migration.

That being said, we do have a task in our system (PTX-15798) to allow a conversion during a migration, but it hasn’t bubbled up to the top of our list of priorities.

While normalization is beneficial for many projects, it is not desired by others. It is very problematic for a project to normalize without knowing the impact it will have on their project and then have to revert some months later when problems are discovered. Normalization, for one example will make data within Paratext inconsistent underlyingly with data outside of Paratext. If the team is working on their language outside of Paratext, they need to take that into account. It also can affect the presentation of the language outside of Paratext, particularly if the team uses custom fonts (even if they are Unicode).


Shegnada James

Language Technology and Publishing Coordinator, SIL Nigeria

Text Processing Specialist – Complex Script, GPS, SIL Intl

Skype: Shegnada.james.

[Email Removed]

+1 972 974 8146

If you did allow it during migration, I’d be grateful if it was only seen by supporters, (like with a Shift key turn on). While I am doing most migrations, my teams tend to click through everything saying yes and I do NOT want them normalizing.


Shegnada James

Language Technology and Publishing Coordinator, SIL Nigeria

Text Processing Specialist – Complex Script, GPS, SIL Intl

Skype: Shegnada.james.

[Email Removed]

+1 972 974 8146

0 votes

Sounds good.
The fact that it is a required choice when creating a new project, or converting an existing project made me think that it would maybe be beneficial. However, sounds like it might create as many problems as it would solve.

by (418 points)

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