0 votes

I was trying to delete a user from the PT8 Registry yesterday, but at the last screen, where you get the chance to give a “reason for deletion”, I press the Delete button, and nothing happens! Is this a bug?

I just went to try again, and now https://registry.paratext.org/ is giving certificate errors!!

I need to get this done so that our users can get back to their translation work :grinning:.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

6 Answers

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Best answer

For the record, I have identified the bug in question: if a user is deleted from the Settings page, it won’t always warn about still being on any projects if you’re not an admin in any of them, although it still will refuse to process the deletion. This issue will be fixed shortly.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

It’s more than that. For myself, user ID wdavidhj, if I log in and go to Settings, it tells me I’m “part of 17 projects”; if I refresh the page, it says “part of 1 project”. However many times I refresh, it says one. But if I click on the hyperlink “1 projects” [sic – poor grammar!], then it shows me a list of 17 projects. If I click to go back, it now says “part of 17 projects”, but refreshing works as before, and changes the truth to a lie.

I’d say there’s a deeper bug here.

Yes, you are describing the bug I have fixed. The fix will be made available the next time the Registry software is updated.

It should have automatically brought you to this form when logging in with the new user. I’m not sure why it didn’t do that in your case.

Could it have something to do with the fact that the new user I ws registering had the same email address as the old user I’d (or, actually, you’d) just deleted, and so the Registry at some level thought this was not a new user?

0 votes

It seems that the Paratext S/R server is down/unreachable at the
moment (13 Feb 2018, 1pm IST). The same with the registry. The main
Paratext site is operational, but something’s wrong with the other

Mark (in South Asia)
by (2.7k points)
0 votes

The server is running again, is the issue fixed now or are you still experiencing errors?

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

I’m not sure – because now I have a different problem that is preventing me from clicking Delete: the Registry seems out of sync with reality. I removed the user from the only project he was on, but the Registry still says he’s a member of that project, and so can’t be deleted.

Can you fix this? The user is called:

  • Davud Techqon

I see this user still listed on the project on the Send/Recive server. Have you done a S/R after removing the user from the project in Paratext 8?

Do you mean Paratext 7? This user is currently only a member of a PT7 project.

I did do S/R in PT7 after removing them.

So, this morning, I re-added the user, S/R-ed, then deleted them and S/R-ed again.

Now the registry is not telling me he’s a member of a project.* I click Delete, a dialog comes up, I type the reason for the deletion, and click the dialog’s Delete button. But nothing happens. I refresh the page, and I’m still logged in.

So, does the delete procedure actually work???

`* I had logged the user out. When I logged back in again, it still showed them as a member of the previous project; then I clicked to refresh the webpage, and now they weren’t a member!! The Registry seems flaky in that refreshing pages sometimes shows changed information – I saw it one on my own page: it was switching between telling me I was a member of one project, and a member of17!

Hmm, well, as far as both the Registry and the PT8 S/R server are concerned, this user is still a member of a PT8 project. The Registry isn’t concerned with PT7 projects.

I’m not sure why the Registry is getting confused about whether the user is a member of the project in your case. I will investigate based on your description.

In the meantime, to make things simpler, I have just manually deleted the user from the database. It should be all good now.

Yes, that was my mistake.

Again, I had a mental blank and forgot that there was a project he was on. But more often than not, the Registry website was not warning me next to the Delete button that he was a member of any projects. This surely has to be a bug, no?

Thanks for deleting this user!

:frowning_face: I’m now having problems re-creating the user with the new spelling Dovud Techqon. It seemed to work, but when I add him to a project, it says that this user does not exist. Do you see this new user in the Registry?

You have not yet completed the registration process. Log in to the account and go to the Dovud > Registration menu item in the top right corner, and fill in the information.

So I log in as a new user, and it asks me to enter my first and last name. But nowhere does it prompt me to go to the menu, choose Registration and enter more info. Is there a reason why it doesn’t just ask for all the info on one form? Or it should at least tell you that there’s another form to complete, and hyperlink to it, no?

0 votes

Yeah, something like that.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)
0 votes

For deleting users in general, see: Delete user from PT registry .

by (1.4k points)
0 votes

Sometimes, issues like this can arise due to database constraints or permissions settings. It's essential to ensure that the user has the necessary privileges to be deleted and that there are no dependencies or constraints preventing their removal.
Ballet Printed Boxes

by (104 points)
People are still answering a question I asked 4½ years ago! Thank you – it’s all useful info.
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