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I’m helping a team that work on a project that uses Latin script. As they do the Biblical Terms check, the tool ignores case. It is frustrating to the team that (@UX team, please note if there is no option in ParaTExt available yet) as they want to specifically check the entry for ‘lord’, if the verse has the word ‘Lord’ in it, it is also marked as found. Is there a setting in Biblical Terms tool (or ParaTExt) that make it case sensitive that it will stop Biblical Terms tool from marking the word ‘Lord’ when one look for the word ‘lord’?

Paratext by (229 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Yes, Paratext is not always good at controlling capitalization when it varies. I think in the case of the tetragramaton the Biblical terms tool does fine since there are different Hebrew words that are Rendered LORD, Lord, lord. The real trouble is in Greek where “kurios” has been used to translate/represent several Hebrew words. In the New Testament, I suggest using the “Word or Phrase Checklist” tool to compare your translation to a translation that has handled capitalization the way you want to. Below is a screen shot of comparing a translation PTP to the Revised Standard Version.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Dear anon044949,

I never followed up on this question. Sorry. Anyways, thank you for the response. I’ll let the team know this workaround.


0 votes

The built-in search in Biblical Terms doesn’t differentiate by case, as you’ve discovered. However, you can also use Regular Expressions to search, which do differentiate by case.
So for your example, in the search window you could alternately type regex:lord or regex:Lord

[Edit: In re-reading my post I realize while my information is helpful :-), it doesn’t actually answer the question which was asked.]

by (1.8k points)

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