+1 vote

When you use the “Word prefixes and suffixes” in the Biblical Terms tool, does PT combine multiple affixes or do you have to enter combinations as well as individual ones.
For example, in one language there is a suffix [ -ni ] and another [ -bha ]. If you just enter those two will PT find the multiple suffix [ -nibha ] or does that combination have to be entered as a separate suffix in the list. (I’m not talking about the morphology tool in the Word List, just the prefix/suffix list withint the BT tool.)

Paratext by (207 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Sorry - Paratext only finds a single prefix. Therefore you would need to enter:
ni bha nibha bhani (if this is possible). This becomes quite complicated if you have lots of affixes.

by (8.4k points)

Thanks, at least I know now.

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