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If a Paratext 7.6 user creates Notes on one install, and then creates Notes on a different install (without first having done S/R on that second install), should any problems be expected in syncing the results afterwards?

Paratext by (147 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Assuming that by “install” you mean a different machine and they use the same Paratext user for both machines, then that situation should work fine. The notes file should merge together and no merge conflicts should occur.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Would (or could) that be different after there has been a sequence of events as follows?

  1. Note edits are done on the second machine
  2. on the second machine, S/R gets stuck in a lock situation (and therefore does not work)
  3. Note edits are done on the first machine, followed by S/R (on that machine)
  4. the lock on the second machine is removed
  5. S/R is done on the second machine
by (147 points)
0 votes

I would expect it to still work fine in that case (which I assume is this case).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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