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How can I use a concordance file (.cnc) file to update the concordance when the name of the project has been changed? Thanks to the Convert Project function the project with the original name no longer exists. The .cnc file was created on Paratext 7 and the project in question was renamed and migrated to Paratext 8.

So now when I try to open the.cnc file I get the error Paratext project could not be found : <Original Project Name>
If I try creating a New Concordance using the old concordance file as a model I get the error: Text <Original Project Name> is not installed in Paratext. and I am told to install it.

  • Do I need to use Convert Project to recreate the original project in order to create a new .cnc file for the new project based on the old file? Or is there a better way to do this?
Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

CrazyRocky, you can manually adapt the *.cnc file by forcing it to link to a project with a different short name.

The file *.cnc is simply a compressed XML file. You need to extract the xml file and rename the field.

To do so, you need to

  1. change the file extension CNC to .7z

  2. open the *.7z file with the 7-ZIP program

  3. extract the single xml file contained there

  4. open the file just extracted (it will not have an extension)

  5. the first 3 lines look like this, change the 3rd line to your project shortname

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <Concordance xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/200...1/XMLSchema”>

  6. save the file and close it

  7. rename that file and give it the .cnc extension

  8. open the new file in CB

It is possible other compression software can open the file, but I have only ever used 7-ZIP.

I assume this process will work with the Paratext 8 version of concordance builder.

by [Expert]
(375 points)

Thanks, the process works just like you say.
I might add however that it is not even necessary to extract the XML file. The 7-Zip file manager allows you to edit the file within the program and save the changes.

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