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When will S/R stop working for PT7.x projects?


Paratext by (238 points)

6 Answers

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See this announcement

by (139 points)

We had wondered if the 31 Dec. 2018 date was a typographical error. So, it’s definitely 2018 and not 2017, then?

Yes, 2018 is definitely correct.
[Link Removed]

Thank you, mnjames. I thought I had searched the forum for previous posts on this subject, but I obviously missed this thread.

Initially the announcement said 12/31/2017. But that was changed to

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

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31 December 2018‌‌‌‌

by (1.7k points)
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Thank you, mnjames and anon385934.

by (238 points)
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Thank you, anon467281.

by (238 points)
0 votes

Am about to do a mini-PT8 training in July and wanted to make sure I have the latest facts on the PT7 server timeline. Is the deadline of 31 Dec 2018 still standing or is there any chance of it being pushed out?

I’m asking because some of our projects still haven’t been able to get access to key resources and I can’t imagine that we are alone in this.

by (152 points)
0 votes

There have not been any change of plans. The servers are still scheduled to go down at the end of the year.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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