0 votes

I have tried to update 2 different laptops from 62 to 63 and both failed on multiple tries. Both the auto update and a offline update failed.

Anyone else had problems?

Paratext by (1.2k points)

6 Answers

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by (1.2k points)

However I can run the auto-downloaded (or manually) file and it says it runs successfully, but afterwards the PT8 is still version 62.

0 votes

There is no auto created log file in: C:\Users{userName}\AppData\Local\Temp after the autoupdate.

by (1.2k points)

The message about “The automatic download for a Paratext update did not succeed.” means that the downloaded file failed a validation check that is done before we try to install the patch. So, in this case, no attempt to update was actually done.

The patches for Paratext 8 have gotten large - around 55 meg - and this is causing more download failures. Each patch has all the changes since - this makes it easier to just apply the latest patch and have the machine be up to date. The reason the patch has become large is because of some corrections were done to a couple of Source Language Tools resources and an update to the Firefox components. This larger patch is becoming a problem for some, but there isn’t an easy way to reduce the patch size.

There also seems to be a separate problem that happens on some machines when the patch is run because of a check being done for some fonts.

It’s possible for a font file to be on a machine, but the font not be completely installed in Windows. The Paratext installer checks for this condition and deletes the orphaned font files. However, on some machines the deleting of the font files is failing with an “access denied” error. Since the installer is running with administrative rights, I’m not sure why access to the file would fail - just ignoring the error would probably just cause the installer to fail later.

This font check is not new - it has been in the Paratext 8 installer since the beginning.

To verify if your machine is having this problem when there isn’t a PtPatch.log file, you can download the patch using this URL:


Then run the patch with this command:

msiexec /l*vx update.log /update patch_8.0.100.63.msp

If some one has this problem and can do a remote session with me, it would be helpful so we can determine how to change the installer. Contact me directly at [Email Removed]


Paratext Support

0 votes

I just updated two systems, one a laptop Dell M4800, and one a virtual machine running in AWS. The laptop updated successfully from .59 to .63, the virtual machine from .56 to .63. Neither had been set to update automatically.

by (1.8k points)

You are not alone in this problem. I reported it a week ago and they are working on it m it could be helpful for you to report it also via the Paratext help/report a problem and allow the bug report to go through. More data may help them fix it more quickly.

Blessings Shegnada

There was a data loss issue fixed recently and so this update (.63)
might be being pushed out more aggressively in order to prevent people
from continuing to use a version which has known issues (which could
lose data). This is just my best guess as to why this might be happening
(and I could be wrong), but let the PT team speak for themselves… :wink:

0 votes

Since I work with limited internet bundles, I have turned off automatic updates to prevent the continuous attempt to download the update file whenever Paratext fails to update. I discovered that Paratext deletes the x.63 file on update failure and there is a continuous attempt to try download the file whenever Paratext restarts. This is a 55MB file and it can eat up cellular bundles really fast.

by (135 points)
0 votes

log file, previous log file was incorrect. sorry.

update.zip (471.7 KB)

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

Slow Update:
Three weeks ago, John+Wickberg and I verified that for some reason some systems get the .62 update from the server when they are autoupdating. John+Wickberg gave me special download link for 63 and I my manual update fixed it.

I have seen it this week on our partner systems as well. The 63 update keeps failing. I was able to workaround it with the 63 download that I got from support.

by (1.2k points)

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