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I can’t seem to find answer to this question (if documentation exists, then please just point me to it, thanks). I just helped a project migrate to PT 8. There are a few texts that this project used in PT 7. They are static texts and they have rights to use them from the publisher, but the texts are not in PT 8 yet.

My advice was for them to check the “Show project in PT 7” and open and refer to them until these text are migrated and available in PT 8. Is there any drawback to this idea that I haven’t thought of?

What if a text was part of a Send/Receive project in PT 7 and a person with rights to edit the text opens it in PT 8 (to use simply as a reference every now and then). Will this change anything in the underlying PT 7 and cause any problems when S/R is done in PT 7?


Stevan Vanderwerf

Paratext by (128 points)

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