[I originally posted this in response to the Help item dealing with Note tags. I’m creating a new Topic to see if it helps to get a response.]
The ability to create custom Note tags is great! Question: is there any way to display the ‘identifying names’ one assigns to a tag? For example, I’ve created a tag to create Notes for feedback from Reviewer A of Dialect B. When I add a Note and assign this tag, the ‘identifying name’ information doesn’t appear; all that appears is the tag, the reference, my name (since I added the Note), and the date. If it isn’t possible to display the ‘identifying names,’ being able to assign them seems a bit pointless… Displaying the ‘identifying names’ would be very helpful for review purposes.
I think I could use the “Template” feature for this information, but that seems redundant. And changes to the “Template” aren’t applied to all previous Notes made with the corresponding tag–the “Template” is only applied to new Notes…