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(mnjames writes)

The usfm.sty stylesheet has “\Italic” as one of the attributes of “\Marker qt” I would like to have quotations in unformatted text in Paratext. I have removed \Italic from the usfm.sty but when the stylesheet gets updated I lose that information.

My question is what I write in custom.sty to override \Italic in usfm.sty. I have found \Italic and \Bold formatting but not a way to take them away.

Paratext by (646 points)

1 Answer

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(Steve White writes)

Turn off an attribute by adding a minus sign after it, eg:

\Italic -

will turn off italic.

\Bold -

will turn off bold.


by (646 points)

The solutions above
    Italic - and \Bold -
work inside of Paratext. However, in addition to correctly turning italics and bold of inside of PrintDraft, they appear to add an extra “-” at the beginning of the PrintDraft file.

I would suggest that a better solution would be to use \Regular, unless someone knows of a reason to avoid that. It appears to turn off italics and bold in both Paratext and PrintDraft, and not have the residual “-” mark.

Thanks! Adding \Regular works as desired.

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