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I have a user who unknowingly setup their Interlinearizer with the SAME language (the language of the translation project) for both “Text to Interlinearize” and “Model Text for Interlinearization”. It worked in 7.5, but they migrated to 8, it says, “Model text cannot be same as project text”.

They did quite a bit of interlinearizing in 7.5 and would really like to have that data available in 8. Is there a way to fix this (i.e., change the Model Text language to English within the Interlinearizer XML files or something)?

Currently they are without Internet access, but are available via radio. So, it’s not possible to fix something online and do a Send/Receive to send the changes. If that’s the only way, they’ll have to wait until they get back to Internet-land.


[cid:[Email Removed]]

Language Technology Consultant
SIL PNG Language Resources
Ukarumpa EHP 444 | Papua New Guinea
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Paratext by (411 points)

1 Answer

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Depends on how tech savvy the team is. I believe it can be fixed by doing the following. If I had more time, I would set it up in 7, do a test migration to 8 and see if it works. Maybe somebody else can verify:

In Paratext 7, the data was in a subfolder of the project folder that is called: Interlinear_{ProjectName_LanguageName}

When migrated to 8 the name of the folder was changed to: Interlinear_{LanguageCode}

Rename the folder to match the language code of the language you are Interlinearizing in. “en” maybe?
Then, in that folder is an XML file for every book. At the top is this line:
<InterlinearData BookId="1CO" GlossLanguage="fr" ScrTextName="ffmDBL">
Change the GlossLanguage to match the LanguageCode you used in the folder name. Do this for every book.

Now, when you set up interlinearization, you will select a model text that shares the same language as your gloss (but be careful, it must be exactly the same, could be en-US or just en). The old data should show up again.

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)


Note that changing the language in the interlinear files will probably not be enough because the interlinear works closely with the lexicon (stored in the Lexicon.xml file). It is likely that you would also have to change the languages defined in there as well (stored as <Gloss Language='{languageName}'> in the file).

Also, a reminder to always mark a point in project history before doing manual edits to a data file. :wink:

Praise God! This worked! We did both the Lexicon.xml that anon291708 suggested and changing the Interlinear data that dhigby suggested.

We also changed the name of the individual XML files in the Interlinear_{LanguageCode} folder. We used “en-US” for the new language code because she wanted to use NIV11.


SIL+LSS+PNG (and for Kim Blewett)



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