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(Doug Higby writes)

A user contacted me with a problem. He is going to typeset Scripture soon and the typesetter requires that the shortcode for the project be changed to the Ethnocode for the language. This must be done before he can share the project with the typesetter.

The typesetter needs a unique directory name and is choosing ethnocodes to accomplish this, but the user rightly points out that all project history will be lost if he moves the data to a project with a new name. What to do?

Is this a real or imagined problem for the typesetter? How does Paratext act if a project they receive has the same shortcode as one already on their computer?

Is there a way to change the shortcode or copy to a new project while preserving the history?
Paratext by (646 points)

1 Answer

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See this: Guide: Tools > Advanced > Convert Project

by (646 points)

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