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The previous version of Regex Pal (in Paratext 7.5 and 7.6) used Word Wrap/Line wrap, which was really helpful when doing replace functions, i.e. I could easily verify that the RegEx was actually doing the replace that I wanted for several examples before saying Yes to all.
On Paratext 8, I don’t see a way to have the lines wrap, so in order to see what change will be made, on long lines I have to scroll to the right to find the change.
Is there any way to have RegEx Pal wrap lines?

Paratext by (418 points)

6 Answers

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Best answer

Great. I checked, and verified that the wrap issue has been resolved.
While checking that though, I did notice that the other issue, of an incorrect highlight is happening. I did a search for a common word in my language, and here is how it came up. As you can see in the screenshot, the first occurrence of the word jojodö (4 lines above the first one highlighted) is not highlighted, but another area is.
I then tried to duplicate the issue, and was unable to.

by (418 points)
0 votes

Was there a solution for this?


by (190 points)

None that I know of. Nathan
Miles is aware of it. I don’t know if anyone ever reported it
as a problem or as a desired feature change.

0 votes

Actually I reported the issue of RegExPal not wrapping in PT 8.0 yesterday and according to the developer it should be fixed in the next release.

by (8.5k points)

Thanks for the update anon848905.
That is great news. Without word wrapping it is in essence a
useless tool in PT8.

0 votes

That would be great if WordWrap is added. Not sure I would go so far as to call it useless without it, but definitely more useful with it::slight_smile:
On the topic of RegEx pal, has anyone else noticed that occasionally on a search and replace, the search window will have the wrong item highlighted, or even nothing highlighted when it has found something? I have found that sometimes, and by cancelling and restarting the search, it shows up properly, and wondered if anyone else had found this to be the case.

by (418 points)

Haven’t really worked in PT8
utilizing RegExPal yet to notice.

Yes, I’ve had the same problem.

0 votes

PT will have the wrap issue fixed. It has been released to early testers and should be available to everyone sometime soon.

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

I have definitely seen the issue but did not report it because I have not yet found a pattern or sure way to reproduce the problem.
It is particularly a problem when doing a Find/Replace. If you can find the replaced word in the bottom pane without the highlighting, then you can get by. Another workaround is to do an Extract to first verify the replace targets.
It also misses regular finds. In that case you can sometimes press Next then Previous and it will highlight correctly.

by (1.8k points)

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